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My 2020 gaming list - part three

Welcome back to part three of my 2020 gaming list!

Bravely Default II for the Nintendo Switch.
While I find it very peculiar that Square Enix have chosen to ignore the fact that they already released a perfectly decent sequel to Bravely Default, called Bravely Second, I do welcome the idea of more games set in that world and with those characters.  If you're not familiar with the Bravely Default series, they are basically a call back to the earliest Final Fantasy games - turn based combat, a robust class system and gorgeous hand painted backgrounds are all staples of the series.  There are some nice modern touches as well though, such as the ability to speed up random battles so they go by four times as fast, or you can also decide to turn them off altogether.

Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3 for the Nintendo Switch.
I have thoroughly enjoyed both of the previous entries in this indie series, where you take control of a busy kitchen and via a series of different mini games, attempt to sate the appetites of your many customers while also keeping up with other chores like loading the dishwasher, cleaning the toilets and dealing with vermin. This latest instalment sees you take to the road in a post apocalyptic world, and will add an extra complication in the form of bandits attacking your mobile food van on top of everything else you had to deal with before!

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope for the Xbox One.
While I didn't love the first part of the the Dark Pictures Anthology, I still think the idea has a lot of potential. Little Hope is the next story, and it transports the action from a ghost ship to a spooky forest, where someone or something appears to be stalking the new group of characters.  Like Man of Medan, Little Hope will feature some bona fide actors among the cast, including Will Poulter.

Gods and Monsters for the Xbox One.
The Ubisoft studio that developed Assassin's Creed Odyssey are returning to the realm of Greek mythology again, and are able to go as fantastical as they like this time around.  From the little bit I've seen of this game, it will feature a beautiful art style.  Also if it's anything like Odyssey was, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there were over 100 hours of content, but let's wait and see, eh?

Planet Coaster: Console Edition for the Xbox One.
Just like Two Point Hospital brings fond memories of Theme Hospital flooding back, Planet Coaster brings back the memories of Theme Park and Rollercoaster Tycoon. I've been watching videos of this game on YouTube for years now, and it truly is amazing what people have managed to build with it. Have you always wanted to visit an epic theme park totally dedicated to your favourite thing, such as Back to the Future for example? Well the chances are somebody has built it already! As for me, I shall mainly be enjoying the single player campaign.

Psychonauts 2 for the Xbox One.
A proper sequel to Tim Schafer's hilarious 3D platformer has been a long time coming, but we don't have too much longer to wait now.  Raz has become a full fledged Psychonaut since the events of the first game, but he still has a lot of training to do, which is where this sequel begins. The first game featured some really inventive and funny scenarios to explore, so I expect more of that from this game and hopefully some new surprises too.

Join me again next week for what will most likely be the final entry in this series!


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