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Welcome to the Nimble Entertainment Reviews Depot!

Hi there, thanks for checking out my brand new feed! I would like to take a few minutes of your time to explain why I have launched this and what I plan to do here.  While I have had my own gaming blog for over a decade now, I have often felt a wish to also review other forms of media, such as movies, TV and books (not so much music, but that may also happen from time to time).  I go to the cinema frequently, in fact more than I have ever done before thanks to the fact that my local cinema only charges £2.50 per ticket on a week night and £3.50 on the weekend (it is the Picturedrome in Bognor Regis if you're interested, and it's well worth a visit).

I also watch lot of different TV series via Netflix, Prime Video and fairly soon, Disney+ (the service will be launching in March in the UK).  I haven't really read a ton of books over the last few years, but that is something I hope to rectify.  I've just started the first volume of the Witcher series, The Last Wish and I'm finding it quite nice and easy to get through thanks to the short story format.  I should be done with it within a week or so, so I'll be sure to come back here and share my thoughts with you.  Of course I can't ignore my number one passion either, which is gaming, so on top of everything else I will be posting game reviews here too, as well as on my dedicated gaming blog.

So that's what I will be talking about, so now to go over the format that these reviews will take. You see, I also want these reviews to be available as a Flash Briefing on Alexa devices (which you may already be hearing this on if all goes well), so I intend to keep them fairly short and to the point.  No breaking things down into categories like I have done with my game reviews in the past - just 500 or so words giving my opinion about something from the world of film, television, gaming, fiction or non fiction books that I have finished recently. I already have a number of things I would like to talk about, including: Little Women, The Mandalorian, The Witcher Netflix series, Lost in Space, Treadstone, Yakuza Kiwami 2 and more. I should be back with my first proper post tomorrow.  Also, if you notice the layout and the widgets changing quite a bit over the next few weeks or so, please bear with me - I'm still trying to decide how I want this blog to look!

I should have another post for you tomorrow, time permitting, so please bookmark this blog and come back again then.  Thanks for tuning in!


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